Dear diary, it an honour to welcome you to yet another great week. Yippee, it First week of December, first day of the month, First Sunday of the last month of the year. Today was used for the celebration of November celebrants and distribution of certificates to those that had rounded off baptismal class and School of disciple.
RCCG Sunday School
Lesson 14 – Beware Of False Ministers
TOPIC: Beware Of False Ministers
BIBLE PASSAGE: Matthew 7:15-20 KJV
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
MEMORY VERSE: “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” – Jude 11 (scroll down for RCCG Sunday School 1 December 2019 HYMN)
LESSON INTRODUCTION: In a bid to make ends meet, falsehood is fast becoming the order of the day. Just as there are internet fraudsters i.e scammers, quack practitioners etc, there are some minister’ whose god is their belly (Phil. 3:19). Their false teaching/practices result in false churches which Jesus Himself called ‘the synagogue of satan’- Rev. 2:9; 3:9. Believers must recognise false ministers and avoid becoming their victims of their antics.
TEXT REVIEW: Matthew 7:15-20
Jesus Christ reveals to believers the nature of false prophets and how to identify them.
i. They appear in sheep clothing but inwardly, they are ravening wolves. v.15
ii. ………………………………………..v16, 20
iii. False prophets bring forth …….v.17, 18
A. On the surface, it is difficult to spot a false minister because:
i. Even Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14).
ii. His ministers cover-up as servants of righteousness.
iii. They disguise in an attempt to deceive even God’s elect (Matt. 24:23-27)
B. Some of the ways by which the bible describes false ministers can help true believers recognise them.
i. False ministers deny the divinity, sacrifice and humanity of Christ (1 John. 4:1-3, Matt. 16:15-16)
ii. Even when they minister or pray in ‘ Jesus’ name’, their hearts are far away from God (Matt. 15:8)
iii. Such ministers corrupt the gospel for selfish interest or to justify their immoral lifestyles (Phil.3:19, 2 Cor.2:17, Micah 3:11)
iv. Some called themselves into the ministry or sometimes derailed from God’s call for their lives to deceive gullible people (1 John 2:19).
v. They do not preach the complete bible doctrines (1 Cor.15:1-4, Gal.1:6-9, 2 Cor.11:4).
vi. They are not just false in their ministrations, they are false in their (Matt. 7:15-20).
vii. Some replace the preaching of the gospel with motivational talks and philosophies of men (Col.2:8).
viii. There are those who cause divisions among brethren (Rom.16:17-18).
ix. Others are out to exploit unsuspecting members (Acts 20:29-30).
x. They trivialise the matters of eternity, preach what people want to hear and hardly reach holiness, Heaven, hell, etc (Isa.30:9-11, 2 Tim.4:3-4).
xi. They usually perpetuate falsehood in the name of miracles (Matt.24:24).
A. Many people walk into the web of false ministers due to:
i. Lack of knowledge (Isa.5:13, Hos.4:6).
ii. Impatience (Psalm 27:14, Heb.10.36).
iii. Desperation to get rich quick (1 Tim.6:9-10).
iv. Desperation to know what the future holds or find answers to certain crucial life questions (1 Kings 22:6-8).
B. To avoid being a victim of false ministers, children of God should be:
i. Watchful (Matt.26:41)
ii. Prayerful (James 5:16b).
iii. Sober (1 Pet.5:8).
iv. Patient (Luke 21:19).
v. Rooted in the word of God (2 Tim.2:15).
vi. Filled with the Spirit of God (Rom.8:6).
vii. Able to discern the spirit in operation at every instance (1 John 4:1, Matt.24:4-5)
C. Way out for people who are already victims of false ministers:
i. He/she should retrace his/her steps back to Christ and cry for divine help (Matt.11:28-30, Psalm 46:1).
SUMMARY: False ministers are everywhere, Beware!
CONCLUSION: The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false ministers is to know the truth (John 8:32). To spot a counterfeit, study the real thing.
EVALUATION: Mention ways of identifying false ministers.
Testimony: OverComers Time!!!
Deacon Sheye is appreciative of two jolly years in the business of Marriage. The Lord will keep upholding his household Amen.
Deaconess Asabe, is grateful to God for journey mercy and the grace of God has indeed been evident Amen.
Live Ministration from Throne of Grace, Ebute Meta, Lagos
Topic: Wholesome Transformation.
Text: Mark 10: 46-52
Transformation originates from the one who transforms.
Trans- change
Formation- configuration
The change from one position to another.
Wholesome is a complete change, change that is total, it may be community or national level.
Positive change involves change from bad to good. Good to Better, and from better to Best.
What to watch out:
*The one who determines is God (Rev.4:11)
*The work of two parties clay and potter (Ish. 64:8) until a creature submits to his creator.
*The one who formed you can transform you (Esther 2:15-18) Esther was an orphan- slave in a strange land before she became a Queen.
* God is interested in having us transformed. In our case study Jesus broke all protocols to transform blind Bartimaeus.
•Bartimaeus was in darkness due to his blindness but was transformed to light.
There is Physical blindness (John 9:1) and
Spiritual blindness Acts 26:9-10
•Darkness is a disease No one can cure but Jesus transformed him (Matt.8:14-15).
•He was transformed from poverty to wealth (Psalms 35:27, 2Kings 4:1-7).
•Loneliness was removed
•He was sorrowful (2Kings 2: 19-20)
•Bartimaeus had enemies, no wonder he was shut down (Prov. 16:7)
Instruments of transformation:
*Instruments of prophets ( Ezek.37:1) you must pay tithe, respect your pastors.( 2Kings 5:1-3, Haggai 2:6-7)
*Learn to worship God
*Be humble and worship God.
Negative Transformation: Dan. 4:25-28
Prayer points:
You are the Unchangeable changer, change my situation, my circumstance to the best in Jesus Name.
Father every challenge contending with your power in my life, contend with them.
You are the God of transformation by the risen of the transformation I had received , no more stagnation, no more suffering I will move forward.
Punch lines: Sin is like leprosy, it doesn’t kill immediately…
The capacity of God to bless you is infinite, but you must prepare yourself.
Special Announcements.
For tuesday digging deep we have a great topic “Seed of the Woman” by 5pm .
Thursday faith will be power packed with “Finishing Strong” time is 5pm.