Gombe state government has said it will implement and enforce Treasury Single Account (TSA) to improve it fragile economy.
According to a press statement obtained by our correspondent on Wednesday by the Committee’s Secretary who is also the Administrator, Gombe State Internal Revenue Service, Mr. Abubakar Tata, the committee said the essence of the Treasury Single Account in the state is geared towards entrenching transparency, accountability and probity in the conduct of government fiscal operations.
The statement partly states “Treasury Single Account occupies a centre stage in the collective effort towards entrenching transparency, accountability, and probity in the conduct of fiscal activity especially during this trying moment in the national economic life as it gives a consolidated view of Government’s cash resources.
“TSA represents e- bank account, or two sets of linked accounts, through which the government monitors all its receipts and payments, as a requirement for sound management of government cash resources.
“Members will honestly and objectively carry out their assignment with the fear of God and for the betterment of the good people of Gombe State.”
The Committee’s membership includes the Secretary to the State Government, Head of Civil service, Commissioner of Finance and Economic Planning and Representative of Commissioner of Justice.
Other Members are State Accountant- General, Auditor- General and Director, Treasury while the Administrator of Gombe State Internal Revenue Service, Abubakar Tata.