Nwaorisara Kanu, Gombe
The Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Programme has been described as an option B for Corps members.
Speaking on wednesday at the opening ceremony of the 2019 Batch C Stream II hands-on Training at NYSC Temporary Orientation Camp Amada, Gombe State. The State Coordinator Mr David Markson, urged 1,908 Corps members to participate in the free ten day training, as qualified trainers have been given the task of training them for ten days at the first instance and are expected to continue with the post camp Training after the orientation course.
He said, the introduction of the Programme into the National Youth Service Corps Scheme became necessary not only to augment the allowance paid Corps members but to also equip them with the necessary skills to be self reliant and employers of labour.
“The Scheme is in collaboration with public and private Institutions ,who are willing to grant free interest loan to Corps members to enable them establish businesses. It is pertinent therefore for all of you here to think of what to do to make a living for yourself, instead of waiting on the Government to provide white collar jobs; we all know they are scarce and for the lucky few” he added.
Meanwhile, the Head of Skills Aquisition and Entrepreneurship Development, Mrs Nkiru Mmadumbu, also appealed to the Corps members to take the Programme seriously. She added that at the end of the ten day training,there would be Inter-platoon Skills Aquisition competition in some selected skills.” The training continues after the camp in order for you to be Masters of your chosen skills. The post camp the would continue during your primary assignment till the end of your service year”.
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