The official Bar comprising the Lawyers at the Ministry of Justice, Police, Department of Security Services, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Army and other security agencies, Federal Government parastatals, State Government parastatals, have been marginalised over the years in Bar activities.

If elected as Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association,/Benin Branch, I, Tim Obamedo-Woghiren, hereby undertake to give members of the official bar a pride of place in Bar activities in the NBA Benin Branch.
Some members of the various Security Services shall form part of the Security Services Committee of the Branch. For example, the OC Legal of the various Police formations and their officials shall form part of the NBA Benin Police Relations Committee, together with other lawyers in private practice.
The Head of Legal of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and his officials shall form part of the NBA Benin Branch EFCC Relations Committe. The OC Legal of the DSS shall form part of the NBA Benin DSS Relations Committee. The OC Legal of the Nigerian Army 4 Brigade Headquarters, shall form part of NBA Benin Nigeria Army Relations Committee, all together with lawyers in private practice.
Lawyers in the Security Services shall also be part of Security Sub Committees of the NBA Benin Law Week Planning Committee and the Annual Dinner Planning Committees, together with lawyers in private practice.
Lawyers in the Security Services shall also form part of a brand new NBA Benin Intelligence Committee, which will provide credible intelligence for the Bar to Conduct its activities, so that we do not take shots in the dark .
Lawyers of the Ministry of Justice shall be integrated in all committees .They shall also be part of a Brand New NBA Benin Justice Sector Reform Committee, which shall synergise with relevant institutions to bring about new vistas in the Justice Sector in Edo State.
Lawyers at the University of Benin, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Federal Neuro-Pyschiatric Hospital ,Uselu, Benin City , Nigeria Institute of Oil Palm Research (NIFOR) and all other Federal and State Institutions shall be added into Committees and other Bar Activities for an all inclusive Bar .
The Bar under my watch, will push for Lawyers under the High Court System to be appointed into the lower Bench, as they are well qualified as well as those in private practice.
Lawyers in the High Court, who are experts in cooperative matters, shall be invited to resuscitate the NBA Benin Branch Co-operative Scheme, which has the potentials of giving Lawyers in Benin a pool of access to credit and possible development of the NBA Benin Branch Estate, to be tagged “,The Lion Bar Estate”.
Vote Competence, Vote Innovations, Vote the Bar First , Vote Tim Obamedo-Woghiren as Chairman of the NBA Benin Branch
For a towering Bar.