Alimosho: When the people decides to say Otoge PART 1, SEASON 7
By Okedara Kolawole
A life that has no faith will faint. we have been clamouring for an open door policy for resourceful party policy that will bring about the change.
For decades we have desired, called out but the egocentric and power drunk will not listen to our yearnings, this has led to our outbursts because we have been told categorically that our demands can never be met because they are too powerful.
They have made us realize that their words are now decree in the great party we built together from the scratch from 1999 to date.
The regalia of pride is too much that there is nothing like negotiations and dialogue, but winner takes all. This brings to mind, a popular saying that he that learns will blend but he who fails to learn will have a miserable end. I have decided to follow purity so that fruits of the spirit will fall on me, without going through there’s no break through.
The power drunk have been making use of the elected local government Chairman to arrest as well as using his political stooges to intimidate and harass others with executive powers recklessly.
One Special Assistant to a local government Chairman was sacked because he identified with another party member in Alimosho local government, Oluomo Isheri And Ejigbadero were arrested for showing intention to contest an election in local government Chairman of Alimosho LGA.
However, you can’t silent every body because your time is up, we are ready to battle this to the last and have our political freedom from your expired political empire.
We are not afraid of your intimidation, he that lives a life of fear lives a life of tears. In the SHORTEST of time, we will posses our rightful place politically, socially and morally. We are tired of your egocentric and egomaniac way of ruining our great local with all sort of threat and force, you can continue decieving the GULLIBLE, your time is up Abdullahi Enilolobo. Get set to leave because power is transient, he that want his writings to last must learn to write in people’s hearts, you have accumulated more than enough from us.
The political LIABILITY you IMPOSED on us in Alimosho has failed us completely and likewise the chairman has also failed us. Their incompetence is second to none, they have failed the party and electorates in every way, posterity will judge us if we keep quiet because the failure is too alarming.
We built this party and we would not allow any opportunist to damage all our efforts hence our voicing out now because our followers are on our neck demanding good governance and probity of these political LIABILITY.
I declare a vote of no confidence on your leadership. I vehemently say No to G18, each LCDA should be independent, we don’t want unnecessary interference from any Other LCDA or any G18. The LCDA Chairmen are advised to use their resources for the development of their people and locality. Monthly jack/allocation should be judicious utilized.
The primary responsibilities of government duties to her people is the protection of her people against invasion or domestic violence but reverse is the case here. We import hoodlums to harass and humiliate the party members that voice out in demand for good governance. you can’t continue leading the people this way, provide functioning public utility through the establishment and maintenance of social AMENITIES. The local government should harness, develop and utilize the human resources within the LCDA for the good of all not the political neophyte or political LIABILITY. Let’s create an enabling environment for industrial and commercial activities to thrive.
We are doing these for the sake of posterity because tomorrow is a raw gold and we must process it to shine, or ignore and watch the beauty die.
To the egomaniac leaders that called us political dissidents now; a giant full of himself will become an ant in a moment.
Alimosho liberation is non negotiable. Enough is enough.